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August 3, 2020 Newsletter

Writer's picture: One Small ThingOne Small Thing

Donald Trump along with Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a Trump campaign donor, are working to dismantle the United States Postal Service as we know it. As Trump continues to publicly undermine confidence in new vote by mail initiatives and existing systems, he and DeJoy are creating massive backlogs in the run-up to November’s election. Postal customers are reporting delays in receiving mail and packages leaving them without paychecks, bills, and medication during the pandemic. Could these types of delays impact Oregon’s successful vote by mail system?

Democrats in Congress must demand emergency legislation into the next must-pass relief bill to protect the United States Postal Service.


Save the dates September 2 and 30 One Small Thing-PDX virtual meetings about the November election

On the first and last Wednesdays in September, we are planning two Zoom events from 5:30 – 7 pm to inform ourselves about important state and local election issues. Be part of the massive blue wave for local and state candidates and ballot measures, in addition to the Presidential race. 

On Sept. 2, we will learn about some strategic Oregon races to focus on up and down the ballot for the November election.  Senator Michael Dembrow will be our special guest.

On Sept. 30, we will learn about key ballot measures that will be on the ballot and the ways you can act to support their passage. 

There will be time for your questions at both events.  More details are being developed,  and newsletter subscribers will be sent an invitation to register for each event. 

COIN Call with Oregon Attorney General, Ellen Rosenblum

We'll have the first of several special guests at our next COIN call on August 4. Oregon's Attorney General, Ellen Rosenblum is running for re-election and has been endorsed by COIN. She will join us at 7:10 for 30 minutes, will give a brief statement and will then take your questions for the remaining 25 minutes that she'll be with us. (Please start thinking about your questions now and pass them along to us or put them in the Zoom chat. Note that due to election and IRS rules regarding charities, Ellen will not be able to share non-public campaign information with us.) Register for the call here.

Actions & Events Special Runoff Election for Portland Commissioner Position 2

The City of Portland has called for a Special Runoff election on August 11, 2020, to fill the vacancy for Commissioner, Position 2. Ballots will be mailed out July 22nd and need to be mailed back no later than August 6. 

Our Libraries. Now More Than Ever. Vote Yes on Measure 26-211

The Multnomah County Library is one of our community’s treasures: a safe, welcoming place that opens the doors to reading, learning, and opportunity for all. And as we work to emerge from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, they are more essential than ever.

But they are out of space: while we have the 4th highest circulation of any library system in the nation, we are 102nd in terms of square footage. And our aging buildings are in dire need of modernization.

The Library Bond will:

Expand and modernize the libraries that need it most, in the neighborhoods that need them most, including: 

Albina – Belmont – Holgate – Midland – North Portland – Northwest – St. Johns

Build a new “flagship” library in Gresham.

East Multnomah County has 40% of the county population but only 20% of library space. 

Provide more space to ensure children are not turned away from reading programs.

Whatever the school year looks like, libraries will be critical to getting students back on track.  This measure means more room for reading programs like Storytime, programs for people learning

English, homework help, distance learning and activities for students and teens.

Provide high-speed, no cost broadband internet access at all branches, with more devices and more space to use them.

Having reliable internet access is now a necessity, not a convenience. But 40% of the lowest-income households do not have internet at home. During the pandemic, many people have been parking outside closed libraries just to access their Wi-Fi.

Improve access for people with disabilities.

Provide critical help to Multnomah County job seekers. 

This measure will provide facilities for librarians to help with resume writing, interview preparation, job seeking, and job training during this economic crisis.

Upgrade materials handling and distribution.

Replacing the current, antiquated system will save money and time in delivering materials to customers.

Vote YES for Our Libraries!

OST-PDX Activist Reading Group

The OST-PDX Activist Reading Group’s next meeting will be Thursday, August 13th from 7:00-8:30 p.m.

If you are interested in joining our meetings, contact Ken Rosenberg at

Virtual Swing Left & Vote Forward Letter Writing

Vote Forward and Swing Left are working together to increase civic participation by sending letters to voters. If you’re interested in printing and writing letters on your own, click here for more information. Listed below are some virtual letter writing events and you may search for others here.

Write Letters to Voters & Other Events with Swing Left: 



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