A4D Monthly Meetings
A4D April Meeting - Hybrid
Finally, a map for personal climate action! On April 25, 2023, at 6:30pm we will learn how to have a healthier home, lower our utility bills, and reduce carbon emissions! Electrify PDX and Electrify Now will show us how to make our very own electrification plan. Attend in person or via Zoom by registering here.
A4D November Meeting
Our November 22, meeting featured State Senator Michael Dembrow, who helped us deconstruct election results.
A4D July Meeting
On July 26,A4D had its annual summer celebration party. The weather was warm, but there was plenty of food, drinks, and camaraderie. Speakers included Oregon’s Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, Sen. Michael Dembrow, and Representatives Tawna Sanchez, Thuy Tran, and Travis Nelson.
A4D June Meeting
A candidate for Clackamas County Elections Clerk, Catherine McMullen, is running
against Sherry Hall, the person who is responsible for the debacle of the recent vote
count in Clackamas County. She spoke at our monthly meeting. Here is an overview
of the meeting along with co-chair Mary Chaffin's remarks. Other
meeting highlights included steps you can take following the Supreme Court’s devastating
Roe vs Wade overthrow, an overview of the signature-gathering effort to put Initiative Petition
17, a gun safety measure, on the November ballot, and A4D candidate endorsements.
A4D May Meeting
Brett Walter spoke at our monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 24,
at 5:00pm. Brett explained how you can use his Climate Action
Now app in your climate advocacy. Here is a summary of the
meeting, and here is a primary election update by Mary Chaffin.
A4D April Meeting
U.S. Representative Suzanne Bonamici of District 1 spoke
at our monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 26, at 5:00pm. Here is a
link to the recorded meeting; pw is #zY2yB*Q.
A4D March Meeting
was held on March 22, at 5:00pm. Representative Lisa Reynolds
spoke about the short Legislative session: "2022 Legislative Session
Recap". Here are links to her end-of-session newsletter, her talk
and a meeting summary.
A4D February Meeting
was held on February 22, at 5:00 pm. Portland City Commissioner
Jo Ann Hardesty was our guest. Here is a report on the meeting.
A4D January, 2022, Meeting
was held on January 25, 2022. Dan Ryan, Portland City
Commissioner, was the speaker. Here are the opening remarks and
a recap of the meeting.
A4D November Meeting
was on Tuesday, November 23, 2021, at 5:00pm. Multnomah
County Commissioners Sharon Meieran, Southwest District 1,
and Susheela Jaypal, Northeast District 2, were our guest
speakers. Both commissioners are known for their work on
houselessness as well as other timely issues facing our region today.
Here is a link to the meeting summary, the slides used by
Commissioner Jaypal, and a video recording of the Zoom meeting.
A4D October Meeting
was on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, at 5:00pm. We learned about
Preparations to Receive Afghan Evacuees in Portland. Here is the
A4D September Meeting
Our September meeting was on Tuesday, September 28,
2021, at 5:00pm. Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum was
the speaker. Here are Opening Remarks, Recording (password
act4democracy!), Agenda and Meeting Summary. Here's a recent
action by Attorney General Rosenblum regarding gun ordinances.
"Democracy Can't Wait" Stand on Every Corner event
Encouraging Senators to pass the For the People Act. We displayed
signs on the I-405 overpass from 5 to 6pm, Tuesday, August 10.
We Had a Party!
A celebration of the first six months of Act for
Democracy! Tuesday, July 27 from 5:00-
7:00pm, with opening remarks. See more
photos of the event here.
A4D June Meeting and Agenda
Tuesday, June 22, 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Speakers: Norman Turrill and Chris Cobey of the League of Women
Voters on redistricting.
A summary of this meeting can be found here. Opening remarks are
here. A handout on the topic is here. The slides from the talk are here.