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Action Teams

The heart of Act for Democracy is the work we do to further our mission, which we accomplish mainly through action teams.


An action team is created around a particular area of interest or political process, such as immigration or legislation, and established through the initiative of interested A4D members.


The work of an action team is communicated to the A4D membership via the newsletter and website, each of which has a different function. The newsletter is for time-sensitive messages, such as calls to action, upcoming meetings, and so forth. The website provides background information, goals, and other resources for action team participants.


The leader of an action team is responsible for the team's communication needs and is the liaison between the team and the newsletter editor and website manager.


Some action teams may work in concert with COIN (Coordinated Oregon Indivisible Network), either as a group team or under the lead of one or the other.


If you are interested in joining an action team, on the home page, hover over the "Action Teams" menu item, and click on the desired action team tag that drops down.  On that team's page, click on the Lead button to send an email to the team leader.


If you are interested in establishing an action team, please reach out to the Board with your intentions, including the proposed focus of the team and contact details for the team's leadership. You can use the Get in Touch form on this website or send an email to: Once your team is approved, we will include it on the website and announce the formation of the team in the A4D newsletter.

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