June A4D Meeting Recap
If you missed last week’s June monthly meeting with Catherine McMullen, candidate for Clackamas County Elections Clerk, you can get an overview of what transpired in the meeting notes. McMullen is opposing incumbent Sheri Hall who failed to oversee a competent, timely election. McMullen proved that she will be an elections professional who can get the job of supervising elections done reliably and fairly. You can also read Mary Chaffin’s introductory remarks here as well as the following meeting highlights:
steps you can take following the Supreme Court’s devastating Roe vs Wade overthrow,
an overview of the signature-gathering effort to put Initiative Petition 17, a gun safety measure, on the November ballot, and
A4D candidate endorsements.
And be sure to mark your calendar for A4D’s in-person, outdoor social gathering on Tuesday, July 26! Amidst all the dire news of the day, the best antidote is to come together with friends and colleagues. Let’s share a glass and renew our commitment to democracy and social justice! Upcoming Events Indivisible Tuesday with Senator Wyden’s and Representative Blumenauer’s staff is tomorrow, Tuesday, July 5, from 11:30am to 12:30pm. To join the Zoom meeting with staff members, RSVP here. What better way to make your voice heard! COIN’s bi-monthly meeting also takes place tomorrow, Tuesday, July 5, at 7:00pm. Register here. Friday is letter writing day, from 4:00-5:30pm. Sign up to join the virtual statewide effort at this link. On Thursday, July 14, at 7:00pm, COIN’s next Non-Affiliated Voter Outreach Training takes place. Register here. To learn more about COIN’s Voter Outreach Team and the Non-Affiliated Voter Project, follow this link. Crisis for Salmon What You Can Do About It Join members of the Havurah Climate Action Team on Thursday, July 7, from 6:30 to 8:00pm to learn how you can help make a difference in the crisis facing the native salmon runs in the Snake River system. Salmon impact the lives of Tribal Nations throughout the Columbia Basin. Even endangered Orca pods in Puget Sound have been adversely affected by the dwindling salmon populations coming from the Columbia River Basin. Studies have shown that dam services can be replaced, but salmon will always need a river. A comprehensive solution is needed that restores the lower Snake River and its salmon, helps critically endangered orcas, upholds our nation's promises to Tribal Nations, and invests in communities. Now is the time to take action. Together we can make a difference! Register here. Heather Cox Richardson Explains A trenchant analysis of how we arrived at the brink of losing control of our federal government permanently. Read about it here.
Celebrate Independence!
