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Standing Up to MAGA

Act for Democracy

MAGA Default Crisis

All Their Default. We know that holding the faith and credit of the United States government hostage in order to exact policy changes is no way to run a government. Yet MAGA Republicans are doing just that, risking our jobs and the economy for their political gain, all the while knowing that passing a debt limit increase would be good for the economy. Their demands will compromise the safety and security of all Americans. Indivisible Week of Action. On Friday a group of Indivisible members from Congressional District 5 (CD5) gathered at the office of MAGA Representative Lori Chavez-DeRemer in Redmond. They handed over a letter signed by various groups and individuals from CD5 calling on Lori to hold meetings beginning as early as May 26 when the next House recess begins and prior to the June 1 default deadline. They stressed the need to have in-person, unscripted town halls throughout the district, citing Senators Wyden and Merkley’s example at which attendees are selected randomly to ask questions. A member of Vocal Seniority invited Lori to attend their weekly meetings at a coffee shop in Bend. Addressing the MAGA-scripted default scenario, a member spoke eloquently about his and his wife’s reliance on Social Security, emphasizing the impact that delayed payments would have on them. He is also a veteran and was able to personally address the effect that a 22% cut to the VA would have. Next, that same person gave a moving account of his experience as a practicing OB-GYN in the pre-Roe, Roe, and post-Roe worlds. He described the impact of post-Roe legislation on doctors, who are giving up their practices because of their inability to provide health care that meets the recognized medical standard of care. Patients are being denied medical care as entire ob-gyn practices are disbanded in many states and are forced to carry non-viable fetuses to term or face the possibility of imminent death, hypertension, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, sepsis, and extreme blood loss. Two people provided personal stories with these outcomes.

Tell the Truth, Lori! Help expose how Representative Chavez-DeRemer aids the impoverishment of her own constituents by supporting the default. Let your fellow Oregonians know what she’s up to so that voters know where Lori truly stands. The BAT/DRAT Team provides a message each Monday with current talking points. This week the message concerns the effect of the MAGA default crisis on seniors. On Twitter, use the hashtags #TellTheThruthLori and #Unrepresentative. On Facebook, go to Tell The Truth Lori. You can also sign up to receive the week’s message in your inbox.

Donate to A4D

When you donate to A4D in the month of May, Indivisible National will match your donation. With your contribution we will be able to host more events and bring inspiring speakers to our gatherings. Donate now!

Join Our Team and Greatly Multiply Your Impact!

A4D’s Steering Committee is looking for three new team members: a treasurer, a social media manager, and an event coordinator. These positions will require a time commitment ranging between five to nine hours per month, nine hours being the maximum, which occurs at most twice a year. When you join our convivial team, you will find yourself supported by a group of dedicated activists who are unified and energized by the exciting possibilities of our combined effort.

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