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Save the Date!

Act for Democracy

Mark Your Calendar A4D’s Annual Outdoor Celebration

Join us on Tuesday, August 22, from 5:30 to 7:30pm for A4D’s annual garden party in Portland. It’s time to enjoy each other's company over good food and beverage, celebrate a year of activism, take stock of where we are, and meet elected officials. Stay tuned for more details!

Portland’s Transition

As the City of Portland implements changes passed by voters last November, a shift is being from citywide representation to geographic districts. An Independent District Commission has been working since February to produce three district maps and seeks your input. The last of public hearings will take place this weekend: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Other ways to provide your comments on the proposed districts include calling 311, submitting an online comment form, mailing them to the Office of Management and Finance, Independent District Commission, 1120 SW 5th Avenue, Room 901, Portland 97204, or sending an email to The comment period ends July 22.

Let’s Thank Our Senators for Protecting the Owyhee Canyon

Earlier this year, US Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley co-introduced the Malheur Community Empowerment for the Owyhee Act, which would “protect large expanses of wildlands in the southeastern corner of our state and the diverse wildlife, ecosystems, and resources found in the region. This is the largest opportunity available to protect lands and waters in the contiguous US.” Help preserve this geologic masterpiece today by thanking our senators, which you can do by following this link.

According to the Oregon League of Conservation Voters, the Owyhee Canyon in Malheur County is known as “the Grand Canyon of Oregon for its deep canyons [and] is unforgettable and truly worth protecting. With more than 2.5 million acres of wilderness-quality lands, it features deep, rugged canyons and miles upon miles of rolling sagebrush grasslands, supports a diversity of wildlife, and preserves some of the darkest night skies in the country. It also contains sacred lands and cultural resources significant for the indigenous Northern Paiute, Bannock, and Shoshone tribes.”

SCOTUS Is Flouting The Rule of Law!

Please join our friends at Indivisible Oregon to call on our representatives to urge them to expand the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is violating the Constitution at both the micro and macro levels with regularity. We must defend our laws and liberty by expanding the court now. You can find specific information here and here.

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