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Read the latest from OSTPDX

Writer's picture: One Small ThingOne Small Thing

Dear OSTPDX Members,

The second half of this legislative session is in full swing with plenty of exciting activity going on-like National Popular Vote going up for a vote tomorrow! Be sure to take a look at the activities section below for information on what’s been going on and what’s coming up.

We hope to see you all tomorrow at the Subud Center for our forum on Criminal Justice Reform in Oregon!


Tomorrow! Beyond Prison: What are we doing in Oregon about Criminal Justice Reform?

Bring your charged phone to write brief notes to legislators in support of criminal justice reform bills when we break into small group sessions after hearing the speakers. We will also have postcards available for this action if you prefer to handwrite.

OSTPDX Monthly Forum

Tuesday, April 9

6:45 PM Doors, 7-9 PM Program

Subud Center, 3185 NE Regents Drive, Portland

It’s time for to us re-imagine and transform our criminal justice system. So say the dynamic leaders of the Oregon Justice Resource Center, three of whom who will speak at this meeting. Don’t miss the chance to hear them!

At this forum, you will learn about the Oregon Justice Resource Center’s groundbreaking work addressing criminal justice reform in our state. The speakers will also discuss what we can do to change racial and other inequities in the system—with particular attention on the experiences of women and youth—plus policy reforms currently before the Oregon State Legislature.

Speakers will include:

  • Bobbin Singh, attorney and founding Executive Director of OJRC.

  • Julia Yoshimoto, attorney and Project Director with the OJRC Women’s Justice Project.

  • Trevor Walraven, a formerly incarcerated youth offender and now Director of Public Education and Outreach for the OJRC Youth Justice Project.

Please join us for this lively program! And plan to stay afterward for chatting and refreshments.

The Oregon Justice Resource Center is a nationally innovative civil rights organization, providing direct legal services and policy initiatives for underrepresented communities in Oregon’s justice system since 2011. This unique organization administers five statewide projects: (1) Civil Rights Project, (2) Immigrant Rights Project, (3) Oregon Innocence Project, (4) Women's Justice Project, and (5) Youth Justice Project.

Contribute to this great One Small Thing meeting by volunteering to help set things up the evening of April 9. From 6:15 to until the program starts at 7, we need two people to help move chairs and other items and to greet people as they arrive for the program. If you can’t arrive early, you can still help with clean up for a few minutes after social time ends about 9:30. Either way, you are making a valuable contribution and getting to know other group members better. If interested, contact Jacque Abel as soon as possible at

Desperately Seeking your Input

Progress on Fully Funding Public Schools is in the works

The Joint Legislative Committee on Student Success has just released their plan to make $2 billion in new investments in Oregon classrooms. After 30 years of cutting programs, laying off educators, and dis investing in our schools, this new funding would help to open doors of opportunity for all Oregon students — whether black, brown, or white. This new funding would lower class sizes, expand access to early education, ensure every student can see a mental health counselor, and restore art, music, physical education, and vocational prep. Without $2 billion in new funding, we will fail another generation of Oregon students.

There's a pivotal hearing in Salem this Thursday, April 11 at 5 PM, Hearing Room F. The Subcommittee on Revenue needs to hear from you that this is an excellent start on how to improve our schools, but we need more than 2 Billion to make up for what we've lost over the last decade. The subcommittee is also considering a new revenue source called a commercial activities tax which could raise $1.41 billion. However, it needs to be more progressive and should not include an income tax cut for upper income brackets. If anything it needs to provide relief for the bottom 20% of taxpayers who would get little or no benefit from a tax cut.

If you want to submit written testimony here is where to send it:

It's also helpful to cut and paste into an email to your Oregon house and senate members to tell them you are providing testimony. For more information contact

Activities & Actions


Oregon is about to make history! The Popular Vote is tomorrow which has already received a “do pass” recommendation. This is one of the 47 bills that the OSTPDX Legislative Task Force has made recommendations on. See the list here.

The proceedings are available to watch live via this link starting at 11:00 tomorrow when the Senate will be meeting. If you’d like to watch this historic moment in person, you may view it from the 3rd floor of the Capitol building.

Join Senate Majority Leader Ginny Burdick and Senator Rob Wagner for a Mid-Session Town Hall will be on April 13th from 1:30 to 3:00. It will be at the Multnomah Arts Center, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219. will be joining us as well.

Portland metro area event. Indivisible Oregon and Nasty Women have been asked to rally the troops for Senator Wyden’s Monday press conference/rally to demand Donald Trump to RELEASE HIS TAXES!

We need as many people as possible to show up with signs for this event.

WHEN: Monday, April 15th, 10:30-11am

WHERE: 911 NE 11th (Sen. Wyden's Portland office)

We need a count of who is going so it would be super helpful if you rsvp on the Facebook event.

Other Upcoming Events

Medicare For All March-Saturday, April 13th from 11-2

Planned Parenthood Action Day – Wednesday, April 17

Driver’s Licenses for All Hearing-Salem: Wednesday, April 17th 4:30-7pm

Hunger Free Lobby Day – Thursday, April 18 RSVP Here


Kate Schmitt has provided OSTPDX with some fantastic information on writing letters to the editor including writing tips, how-tos, and where to send your letters. Check it out!

Actions by Indivisible Oregon

OSTPDX, along with other local progressive grassroots groups, are collaborating to help Indivisible Oregon highlight their Tuesday action call of the week in email communications and across social media. We ask that you visit their website every Tuesday morning where the action of week will be posted by 6AM, take the action and share on social media and/or via email with your circle.

Indivisible Tuesday message: We must protect children where ever they are. At the border on in the class room. We ask our Members of Congress to help kids at the border and pass the REUNITE Act and we ask them to help children in the classroom by investigating Betsy DeVos. (we chose this in part because Bonamici's committee will be interviewing DeVos on April 10th and Indivisible Hillsboro has a district visit on Tuesday the 9th)

Here is a great “Take Action” list provided by Smitha Chadaga of Indivisible Oregon:

letters/post cards – sign up with postcards to voters or vote forward This is for current elections. And keeping people engaged will help us for 2020


Check out our website – – like our Facebook page -- -- follow our Twitter account -- @onepdx.


Sara McKinney

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