Dear OSTPDX Members,
Gearing up for our upcoming general meeting, I’d like to invite you to familiarize yourselves with Swing Left’s “Super State Strategy for 2020” which focuses on engaging new voters and raising early money. One Small Thing PDX is looking forward to working with Swing Left for this project through the 2020 election cycle. During the meeting you’ll have the opportunity to participate in an action so if you are planning on attending, please take a moment to RSVP here so that we are prepared with sufficient supplies.
Changing the Course of History
Effective Grassroots Engagement
In the 2020 Elections
OSTPDX invites you to participate in the Oct 29, 2019 fall kickoff meeting. We are delighted to host Erica Goldman, Regional Organizing Coordinator for Swing Left. She will present Swing Left’s outcomes-based strategy to win key elections in the eleven “super states” – the states that can help the Democrats retake the White House, flip the Senate and turn state legislatures blue.
You will learn how you can take action to engage with voters in the super states by writing letters, participating in fundraising or on canvassing. The night of the meeting we will participate in a letter writing campaign to help get out the vote for an upcoming key election in Virginia. Let’s help turn the Virginia General Assembly blue and end anti-democratic gerrymandering. RSVP here, we need to know the number of attendees to have sufficient materials for our action item.
Place: Subud Center 3185 NE Regents Dr Portland Oregon
Time: Program starts promptly at 7:00 PM doors open at 6:30
One Small Thing PDX’s Executive Leadership Team has updated the organization’s mission and goals for 2020. Take a look!
Actions & Events
5441 SE Belmont St,
Portland, OR 97215
Friday, October 18th from Noon-2pm
Both, a cell phone AND a laptop/tablet
*Recommended* headphones with microphone
Tutorial video:
Can't make it any of these events? Sign up to make calls from home using Indivisible's HubDialer tool.
Beer, Snacks and Democracy:
Write letters to Virginia voters and kick off the 2020 Blue Wave
Migration Brewing
2828 NE Glisan St, Portland, OR 97212
Tuesday, October 22nd at 11:00am
Other Events:
Find a Town Hall near you with The Town Hall Project.
Multnomah County 100% Renewable Briefing: October 15th from 10:30-12
We Are Watching : Debate Viewing Party Portland: October 15th from 5-8pm
Interrupting hate in public spaces: October 16th from 6:30-9pm
Rally for Medicare for All: October 18th from 4-5:30 pm
STAR Voter Training: October 19th from 3-5pm
Indivisible Oregon Volunteer Open House: October 22nd from 6:30-8pm
Action Night: Nature for All Campaign: October 24th from 6-8pm
Nature for All Canvass: October 26th from 10:30-2pm
Check out DemCast! It’s grassroots media by the people, for the people. Read why DemCast is so desperately needed. If you’re on Facebook, Demcast Oregon is now up and running.
Visit our website – – like our Facebook page -- -- follow our Twitter account -- @onepdx.
Sara McKinney