Dear OSTPDX Members,
Portland protesters, urging Gordon Sondland to “tell the truth,” made national news and were even mentioned during his testimony during last week’s impeachment hearings! Kudos to all who organized and participated in those events. The pressure seemed to have had an impact as Sondland’s testimony was absolutely damning for Trump.
Still, the prospects for removing Trump for his multitude of crimes by impeachment seems very unlikely with the current state of the Senate. It’s all so infuriating and disheartening. For many activists, turning their anger into action is the best way to move past all of the daily frustrations by focusing on a goal. OSTPDX’s Phyllis Brown has done exactly that by taking her passion for results-driven activism and canvassing on the road. Read about her experience Canvassing in Arizona. Also, below you’ll find a variety of upcoming actions and events to help stay focused and engaged.
One Small Thing-PDX Jan 28 General Meeting
Issues, Strategies & Actions To Make an Impact in Our State
When: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 @ 7:00 PM (Doors open 6:40)
Where: Subud Center, 3185 NE Regents Drive, Portland OR
What key issues will Oregon legislators consider in the 2020 short session, which starts on February 3? Might Republican legislators simply walk out again, as they did last summer over the Clean Energy Jobs Bill? How can we help to support progressive legislation in our state?
We’ll discuss these questions and more at our January meeting, led by a legislator who’s in the thick of the action—Oregon’s House Majority Leader, Representative Barbara Smith Warner.
We’ll also hear from members of the OSTPDX 2019 Legislative Task Force who have been tracking the development of proposed legislation on four key issues for the 2020 short session: Climate Change, Gun Safety, Revenue, and Campaign Finance Reform. As well as sharing actions to take at the meeting, they are developing information that is being shared with Indivisible groups in the Consolidated Oregon Indivisible Network, who can use it to spur legislative action on progressive issues.
Don’t miss this chance to find out what’s happening in Salem and how you can help to promote important legislation. Plan to stay after the meeting for conversation and snacks.
OST-PDX Activist Reading Group
The next meeting of the OST-PDX Activist Reading Group will be held on Thursday, December 5th at 7:00 pm at the home of Ken Rosenberg: 2130 NE Knott Street, Portland. The overwhelming first choice for our next topic is Medicare For All so the next readings will be at, “About Single Payer”: Two short essays and summaries of the U.S. House and Senate Medicare For All bills.
Actions & Events
Far too many Americans struggle with poverty, food insecurity, a poor diet and obesity. Research shows SNAP alleviates these problems and improves the health and well-being of millions of people across our country.
Improving SNAP benefits would further increase the effectiveness of this program. But the Trump administration wants to do exactly the opposite. Through a new rule change, the USDA is seeking to slice $4.5 billion in funds from SNAP over 5 years.
Each state must be allowed to account for the costs of utilities as they calculate SNAP benefits. This new USDA rule proposal, however, unfairly standardizes and caps Standard Utility Allowance calculations across the country based on inadequate survey data―resulting in dramatic cuts to food stamps. In Oregon, 43% or more of SNAP households will experience a benefit loss. Submit your comments to help us protect SNAP by the December 2 deadline.
Swing Left Letter Writing Events
Beer, snacks and democracy: Write letters to engage voters in "Super States"! Tues Nov 26th 11am in NE Portland -- RSVP here
Write Letters to Voters at Hopworks Urban Brewery HUB: Tuesday, December 10th at 2:30pm -- RSVP here
Indivisible NW Portland hosts letter-writing most Tuesdays, 2-3pm at the Daily Cafe in the Pearl. Look for the shared "farm" table. RSVP is essential! RSVP here for Tuesday, November 26th. Email Kirsten for more dates and information:
Interested in letter writing but can’t make these dates? Click here to search for
Donate Now to Support those Arrested Resisting Jordan Cove LNG -- Legal Defense & Ongoing Organizing
House Party for Jamie McLeod-Skinner
Margie Harris and Lynn Youngbar invite you to a House Party for Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Democratic candidate for Oregon Secretary of State. We are excited for you to meet Jamie and learn firsthand about the experience, priorities and values she brings to the critical statewide role.
Date: Tuesday, December 3rd
Time: 5:30 - 7:00 pm - refreshments will be served
Location: SE Portland-RSVP for address
RSVP: or call Margie at 503-803-8686
Donate: If you can’t make it, please donate here.
House Party for Doyle Canning
Join OSTPDX member and Co-Host Melanie Plaut on December 8th to meet Doyle Canning, who is running for Congress in Oregon's 4th Congressional District (Eugene/Springfield/Corvallis/Coos Bay) in the Democratic primary in 2020.
Date: Sunday, Dec 8, 2019
Time: 2-4pm
Location: 3406 E. Burnside St. Portland, OR
Donate: If you can't make it, please donate here.
Actions to Protect Immigrants
Thawing ICE: Mindful Walk for Immigrant Justice - 2nd Thursday every month
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM, ICE Facility-4310 SW Macadam, Portland, OR 97239
Actions by Indivisible Oregon
Our Tuesday ask: This week we are thanking our resistance community and our Members of Congress for all of their support of the impeachment process and our election wins. The action will be posted on Tuesday October 1st at 6:00 AM. The link is
Other Events:
Find a Town Hall near you with The Town Hall Project.
Stand On Every Corner NE Sandy: Mondays & Tuesdays from 8:00-8:30 am
Stand On Every Corner Pioneer Square: Mon-Fri 9:30-11:30 & Weekends 11:30-1:30
Multnomah County District Attorney Candidate Forum: December 1st 1:30-4:30
Celebrate Major Milestones in Our Fights Against Fossil Fuels: December 1st from 4-7 pm
Do Good Get Down for Climate Justice: December 5th from 8-11 pm
Check out DemCast! It’s grassroots media by the people, for the people. Read why DemCast is so desperately needed. If you’re on Facebook, Demcast Oregon is now up and running.
Visit our website – – like our Facebook page -- -- follow our Twitter account -- @onepdx.
Sara McKinney