We have been busy! We have been researching our races. (See our new flyers summarizing OSTPDX’s election positions and talking points for the Kate Brown campaign at We have been canvassing, yardsigning, fundraising, postcarding, and phonebanking. We had an amazing fall midterms kick-off meeting, that is summarized below.
But right now we need to focus on opposing the Brett Kavanaugh nomination to the Supreme Court. If Kavanaugh joins SCOTUS, we are looking at the demise of many of our hard-won rights – the right to affordable health care that covers pre-existing conditions; the right to obtain contraception; the right to freedom from forced birth; the right to free and fair elections; the right to responsible gun safety measures; the right to net neutrality; the right to marry the person one loves – and so many more. This upheaval will last for decades.
As if the policy reasons to fear and oppose the Kavanaugh’s nominations were not enough, there is now mounting credible evidence that Kavanaugh has lied under oath and that he assaulted a teenaged girl many years ago. We simply cannot have someone with this kind of record elevated to a lifetime appointment on our Supreme Court.
The tide is turning against this nomination. But our Senators need your help. They need to hear your personal stories about how your life would change if Kavanaugh is confirmed. What would happen if you or a family member couldn’t get birth control, couldn’t marry freely, couldn’t get coverage for a pre-existing condition? Indivisible Oregon is collecting these stories and will send them to our Senators, where they will be used as a powerful force against the nomination.
Please come to Resist Trump Tuesday at Senator Merkley’s office, call your Senators opposing the Kavanaugh nomination (see the script further down in the newsletter) and send your personal story to:
RESIST! Mary Chaffin
Check out our website – – like our Facebook page — — follow our Twitter account — @onepdx – and follow me on Twitter — @mary_chaffin.
Fall Kick-Off Meeting a Big Success!
Sixty people got together September 11 to kick off the OSTPDX fall meeting schedule aimed at building a Big Blue Wave in November. We heard DPO Chair Jeanne Atkins describe the important races coming up and Elisabeth Swarttou explain the intricacies of the key measures on the November ballot. We then met in small groups to plan how we can “Make a Difference in the Midterms.” A complete meeting summary can be found here: And see below the many activities you can participate in!
Next OSTPDX Meeting will be October 9 — “The Rubber Hits the Road – Get Out the Vote for the Midterms!”
The doors open at 6:45 p.m., at the SUBUD CENTER, 3185 NE Regents Drive.
Learn what you can do to ensure a Huge Blue Wave in November. Speakers Thalia Zepatos and Amy Kessler will present about how to mobilize progressive voters and get out the vote. Zepatos will describe research on effective election strategies and how we can each be thought leaders for our network of friends, family and colleagues. Kessler will tell us about effective on-the-ground campaign work, including the work she is now doing for governor Kate Brown. We will have a short political action to do in small groups after we hear from these great speakers.
Thalia Zepatos served as Freedom to Marry’s Director of Research and Messaging and is widely recognized as the “message guru” who led the movement’s messaging shift, resulting in exponential growth in public support that paved the way for the historic Supreme Court victory.
Thalia is a sought-after speaker, trainer, and consultant, both domestically internationally, with many campaigns and social movements. She is a Huffington Post writer and the co-author of Women for a Change: A Grassroots Guide to Activism and Politics.
Amy Kessler is currently a Regional Field Director at Team Oregon, working with the Democratic Party and with the Coordinated Campaign to elect Governor Kate Brown. She honed her knowledge about how grass roots actions are essential to winning at The Bus Project, where she worked to involve young voters in elections.
Please stay after the meeting to mingle and ask further questions of the speakers over beer or sparkling water and snacks.
Updates on Ballot Measures: “Do 102 and Nix on 103 through 106”
OSTPDX supports a vote for Measure 102 and its companion measure, Metro 26-199, which would fund the building of affordable housing units.
OSTPDX opposes Measures 103, 104, 105 and 106
· 103 looks like a consumer protection measure because it would ban (non-existent) sales taxes on groceries. But, don’t be fooled. It is part of a multi-state effort by the grocery industry to shield themselves from all kinds of taxes through an amendment to the state constitution. It is opposed by consumer and progressive groups. Make sure your local grocery stores know how you feel about this measure! QFC is pushing it! · 104 would extend the 3/5th legislative majority vote now required to increase taxes to just about any revenue-raising measure, including fees needed to support Medicaid and state parks. · 105 would do away with Oregon’s 31-year-old sanctuary laws and is supported by organizations that have been identified as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center. It is also supported by Knute Buehler! (Hint: He’s not a moderate.) · 106 would restrict and/or eliminate public funding for abortion. 106 would apply not just to people covered by the Oregon Health Plan but also anyone who has health coverage that is partially or wholly paid for by public funds, which would include public employees.
Look Here for Canvasses, Phonebanking, Postcard Parties, Fundraisers, Rallies to Help the Campaigns OSTPDX is Supporting!
Post Card Parties to Support Governor Kate Brown, Jamie McLeod-Skinner and Carolyn Long
Postcards and Cider by Midterm Squad When: Mondays at 4:00 p.m. Where: Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider 1813 NE 2nd, Portland 97212
Postcards and Pie by Midterm Squad (SW Portland) When: Tuesdays August 14-October 30 at 4:00 p.m Where: Prosperity Pie Shoppe 7814 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland 97219
Phone banking for Dems – Kate Brown, Chrissy Reitz, Rachel Prusak, Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Charles Gallia, and Janelle Bynum
With Multnomah County Democrats on Saturday and Sunday Mornings.
Kate Brown (Point Person, Paulette Wittwer)
Special canvass with OST members Paulette Wittwer, Laurie Cox, and Lynn Youngbar on Thursday, Sept. 20, 5:30 to 8. We had 8 OSTPDXers for our Sept. 15 canvass!!
Weekly phone banks: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday — until Nov 1, 2018, 4-8 p.m., 2201 Lloyd Center, Suite 2025, Portland, OR
Postcards and coffee: Wednesdays 9-1, 2393 NE Fremont, Ste. B
Postcard party: 5-7 p.m. every Thursday, Oregon Public House, 700 NE Dekum
Weekly canvasses: Saturday and Sunday 11 – 2 and 1 – 4, starting at the Lloyd Center 2205 Lloyd Center, Portland
Make sure you see and use the awesome Kate v. Knute talking points crafted by Paulette Wittwer and graphically enhanced by Teresa Hill of Nasty Women!
WA-3 Carolyn Long (Point Person, Jeff Kidder)
Phonebanking: Every Wednesday through 10/10
Canvassing: Details and RSVP:,
Learn, Lead Event #3: Sunday, September 23 from 6-9 p.m. Congressional candidate Carolyn Long and grassroots groups from WA-03 will share ideas and strategies to support Long’s campaign to unseat Jamie Herrera Beutler at an event hosted by Nasty Women Get Shit Done.
OR-2 Jamie McLeod-Skinner (Point Person, Lynn Youngbar)
Canvassing in Hood River & Wasco/Dalles and phonebanking opportunities:9/23, Sun.: Hood River (time TBD)10/13, Sat: Hood River (time TBD)
Details and RSVP: at Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider: Mondays at 4:00 p.m.
Postcards at Prosperity Pie Shoppe in SW Portland: Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m.
· Postcards at Guilders Coffee, 2393 NE Fremont: Tuesdays, 3-5 p.m. starting Sept. 25. Questions, call Lynn, 503-307-4246. McLeod-Skinner’s campaign is gaining momentum!! Be part of an upset victory in OR 2. · Fundraiser by Smitha Chadaga, Warren McPherson, Sabina Haque, Hussain Lakdawala: Saturday October 6th 5:30-7PM, 2224 NE 36th Ave (not limited mobility accessible). At 6 PM Jamie answers questions via ZOOM teleconference Click here to RSVP
S-20 Charles Gallia (Point Person, Jane Stackhouse)
Education forum and canvass: 9/22
Barnyard Bash & BBQ at New Era Ranch: September 22nd 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Canvass: Saturday, September 29th from 10-1 Join Jane Stackhouse and other members of OSTPDX and Indivisible Clackamas for this canvass!
Phone Banking: Every Thursday, Shifts start at 11am, 2pm, 5pm at 502 7th Street, Oregon City, OR 97045 (Across the street from Oregon City, City Hall. Door to the right of Floor America). Come in for one shift and training and then call from home!
S-26 Chrissy Reitz (Point person, Jeff Hammarlund) · Canvassing: Every Saturday, times and locations TBA
H-32 Tiffiny Mitchell (Point Person, Jane Stackhouse)
· Canvassing o Every Saturday until Sept. 22, 10 a.m. at 5 Rivers Café and Coffee Roaster, 3670 Hwy. 101 N., Tillamook o Every Sunday until Sept. 29, 11 a.m. at Labor Temple Diner and Bar, 934 Duane St., Astoria o Save the date for a special canvass for OSTPDX, 10/24 in Tillamook!
H-52 Anna Williams (Point person, Paulette Wittwer)
Phone bank at Campaign Office, Hood River, Wednesday September 19th, 5:00pm-7:30pm RSVP here (location TBD), Gresham, Saturday September 22nd, 11am-4pm, RSVP here
Canvass Event: Meinig Park, Sandy, Sunday September 23rd: 11am-4pm
Jo Ann Hardesty for Portland City Council (Point Person, Bobbie Isaacman)
House Party Friday, October 5 at 5 p.m. The Isaacman Home 0847 Southwest Pennoyer Street Portland, OR 97239 Allen and Bobbie invite you to their home to meet Jo Ann Hardesty who is running for City Council. We support Jo Ann and when you come to meet her, you will understand why. RSVP: 612-310-7788
Ben Souede for Multnomah County Circuit Court (Point Person, Bobbie Isaacman)
Postcard Party Sunday, October 7, 4-5:30 p.m. The Isaacman Home 0847 Southwest Pennoyer Street Portland, OR 97239 Come meet Judge Ben Souede, who sits on the bench of the Multnomah County Circuit Court, presiding over both civil and criminal cases. This last year has further reinforced the importance of an independent judiciary, which is often the only institution still protecting the rights of the people. Postcards will be provided! RSVP: 612-310-7788
Measure 105
Measure 106
No on 106 Portland Kickoff at SEIU Local 49 (3536 SE 26th Ave, Portland, OR 97202), Saturday, September 22nd from 11AM – 3PM
Portland Clean Energy Fund-Measure 26-201 (Point Person, Michael Heumann)
Help Deploy Yard Signs, the best way for the Portland Clean Energy Initiative to be visible. Come pick them up at 2580 NE 31 Ave., 4th house in from Knott on the east side of the street. Signs in front of fence in the driveway.
Local Events
#ResistTrumpTuesday – September 18 – STOP KAVANAUGH AND SAVE ROE AND THE ACA (AND MANY OTHER THINGS) From Indivisible Oregon
In the courtyard of Sen Merkley’s office 121 SW Salmon St. (World Trade Center) Portland, OR 11:30 a.m. (optional): Planning meeting – In the courtyard 12:00 p.m.: Speak with staffer BRING YOUR PERSONAL STORIES OF HOW KAVANAUGH’S APPOINTMENT WOULD HARM YOU!
Bonamici Town Halls
Tualatin Town Hall Meeting Monday, September 17, 2018 – 6:00pm Tualatin High School, Auditorium 22300 SW Boones Ferry Rd. Tualatin, OR 97062
Portland Town Hall Meeting Monday, September 24, 2018 – 6:00pm The Friendly House Gym 1737 NW 26th Ave. Portland, OR 97210
Stand on Every Corner:
SE Hawthorne: Every Wednesday through October 31st at 6:00 p.m.NE
Burnside: Every Friday through November 2nd at 6:00 p.m.SE
Steele & 33rd: Every day at 6:00 p.m.
Mark Your Calendars for the Next MidTerm Squad Pep Rally – October 21! From the Mid-Term Squad
You and your family are invited to the Midterm Squad’s Building the Wave Pep Rally, Sunday, October 21, at the Eagles, 3904 SE Hawthorne St, Portland. The Pep Rally is for activists and leaders of area groups to meet and connect. Not a business meeting. People from several local groups will be there. It’s kid friendly. We’ll have snacks. There’s a full bar to purchase drinks. Hope you can come!
Where: Eagles Lodge 4904 SE Hawthorne Blvd. When: 5-7 p.m.
Peaceful Mobilization Plan *If* Mueller or Rosenstein Is Fired From MoveOn and Indivisible Oregon
Nationwide Plan: Portland Plan:
Be Ready!
Activities – National
Call Senators Wyden and Merkley to Oppose the Kavanaugh Nomination
SCRIPT: “My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am calling to thank you for your continued opposition to the Kavanaugh nomination. There is evidence that Kavanaugh has lied under oath and that he assaulted a teenaged girl when he was in high school. Kavanaugh would tip the Supreme Court to a hyper-conservative majority that could last for decades and could shield Trump from accountability for his corruption and crimes. I personally would be affected in the following way [include your personal story here]. Please demand that (1) no Senate vote is taken until all Senators and the American people have access to all of Kavanaugh’s records, and () the nomination not move forward unless there is clear evidence of Kavanaugh’s truthfulness under oath and the Mueller investigation clears Trump. Thank you.”
Recap of Fall Election Activities/Resources
OSTPDX and other progressive groups have collected a lot of useful information to help you help us build the Blue Wave in the Fall election. You can find a recap of all of that information – everything from which candidates and ballot measures to support, to how to host a post card party or fundraiser, to GOTV activities — in the May 14 and June 25 issues of OSTPDX’s newsletter at