Dear OSTPDX Members,
Thank you all who came out to OSTPDX’s celebration last week! It was pretty impressive to see how many members took action by reaching out to Legislators to make their voices heard which resulted in real change at the state level. The OSTPDX Task Force has created two lists that indicate which bills have passed and died this legislative session so if you’re interested in what accomplishments have been made, check them out on our website.
OSTPDX has officially begun its summer recess so the frequency of our newsletter will change to monthly until September. I wish you all a happy summer and please be sure to take a look at the Summer Events below for opportunities to stay engaged.
Stepping back and Staying engaged
Dear Friends,
While I’m not leaving OSTPDX, I am stepping back from leadership, and I really mean it this time!
It has been an honor and a pleasure to help found and lead this organization. However, after two and a half years, two election cycles, two legislative session and many meetings, campaign events, rallies and fundraisers it is time for me to step back and leave the leadership to the capable hands of Jacque, Lynn and Mary.
Being a part of this organization allows me to follow my political passions, connect with a larger activist community and feel empowered during this challenging time, I hope this is true for all of you and we can continue to work on the issues that mean the most to each of us.
A heartfelt thank you to all of the OSTPDX community for sharing your knowledge, skills and most importantly your friendship to make our country a kinder, more just and equitable place to call home.
I’d like to transition with one last quote, this is from the Talmud.
Do not be daunted by the
Enormity of the world’s grief
Do justly, now.
Love mercy, now.
Walk humbly, now.
You are not obligated
To complete the work,
But neither are you free to abandon it.
I promise to stay engaged. I hope you will join me.
Take Care,
Actions by Indivisible Oregon
Our Tuesday ask: Trump has committed impeachable offenses. And is on track to committing them again with our 2020 elections. He must be held accountable. Congress must start an impeachment inquiry and protect our elections. The action will be posted on Tuesday June 18th at 6:00 AM. The link is
The next meeting of the OST-PDX Activist Reading Group will be on Wednesday, July 24 at 7pm.
LOCATION: At home of Ken Rosenberg, 2130 NE Knott Street, Portland
READING: Bhaskar Sunkara, The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequality, Basic Books, April 2019.
Jim Russell says: Bhaskar Sunkara is the founding editor of Jacobin. I heard him give a book talk at Powell’s last week. He is 29 and the talk was smart and personable. It convinced me to buy the book which might be a good choice for us to read as a group. It starts with a tongue-in-cheek fantasy of what a socialist transition might look like in the U.S., then goes into a history of Marxism, communism, and European social democracy. The final part is about the history of socialism in the U.S. and what the future would look like. He sees the creation of social democracy in the U.S. (catching up with Europe) as the next step over 30 to 40 years. Then it would be to push further into more fully socialistic developments.
Summer Events
Drinks, snacks and democracy: Write letters to engage voters in "Super States"!
Tuesday, June 25th at Prosperity Pie Shoppe, 7814 SW Capitol Hwy
(events every fourth Tuesday!)
RSVP for the June 25th event:
Unity Debate Watching Party (First Night)
Wed, June 26th at McMenamin's Backstage Bar, 3702 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland
Arrive at get settled at 5:30pm; debate starts at 6pm
Unity Debate Watching Party (Second Night)
Thurs, June 27th at McMenamin's Backstage Bar, 3702 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland
Arrive at get settled at 5:30pm; debate starts at 6pm
Whatever It Takes / Swing Left Voter Outreach Meetup
Saturday, July 13th at Diana's House in the SE
RSVP for the July 13th event:
Beer, snacks and democracy: Write letters to engage voters in "Super States"!
Tuesday, July 23rd at Migration Brewery, 2828 Glisan
(events every fourth Tuesday!)
RSVP for the July 23 event:
Smoothies, Snacks and Democracy: Write Letters to Voters in Super States!
Saturday, Aug 17 at Harlow, 3632 SE Hawthorne
Beer, snacks and democracy: Write letters to engage voters in "Super States"!
Tuesday, Aug 27th at Migration Brewery, 2828 Glisan
(events every fourth Tuesday!)
Check out our website – – like our Facebook page -- -- follow our Twitter account -- @onepdx.
Sara McKinney