A4D Afghan Gift Card Program
Buy One & Help a Family
The A4D Immigration Action Team is kicking off a gift card program for Afghan refugees. The program runs December 6-21 and the team encourages everyone to participate. These refugees have endured the unimaginable because of their efforts to assist Americans in Afghanistan. All you need to do is purchase a gift card from a merchant that provides goods and services that the refugee families need, such as food and clothing. Many merchants, including but not limited to Target, Fred Meyer, Costco, and Safeway, sell gift cards. Socially conscious merchants who stock ethnic and organic foods may be an option, too. Please consider purchasing cards from merchants with stores and outlets in the Beaverton area, where the refugees are being resettled. Once you’ve made your purchase, mail the gift card(s) to Guy Nelson and email him an alert that the cards are coming his way. Guy’s contact information: 2309 SW First Avenue Unit 1543 Portland, OR 97201 gnelson181@aol.com Guy will deliver the cards to Lutheran Community Services (LCS), the organization resettling refugees in the Portland area. LCS will provide A4D the names of the families who receive cards. If you have any questions, contact Guy. Free Webinar on Afghan Society and Politics
Human Rights First is offering a free webinar, Understanding the Afghan Refugee Crisis, on December 16, beginning at 10:00am.
The webinar offers a primer on Afghan society and politics for Americans seeking to understand how to support Afghan refugees in the US. It will provide context for the ongoing crisis and an historical overview of the effects of American intervention and the Taliban resurgence. It will also highlight the emergence of various fault lines—ideological, ethnic, religious, and regional—that inform Afghans' search for security and stability and will conclude with a 30-minute Q&A session. Though free, you must register here to attend. You’ll, also, have the opportunity to make a donation to Human Rights First when you register. Joint Town Hall on Houselessness in Portland
Last May Representative Lisa Reynolds convened a joint Town Hall on Portland’s houselessness crisis with Multnomah County Commissioner Sharon Meieran and City Commissioner Dan Ryan. Now she’s offering a second one with Commissioner Meieran on Wednesday, December 8, at 6:00pm. They will be joined by a member of Commissioner Dan Ryan’s office to share updates on city and county projects as well as upcoming state actions.
Register here to attend via Zoom, or watch on Facebook live.
Reminder: No December Meeting See You in January!
There will be no A4D monthly meeting in December but mark your calendars for January 25, when Portland City Commissioner Dan Ryan will be our guest. Enjoy your holiday festivities!