Dear OSTPDX Members,
Today marked the beginning of the 2020 short legislative session here in Oregon which could likely be just as chaotic as last year’s session if Republicans follow through with their threats to walkout, and therefore denying the necessary quorum to accomplish anything. Yesterday, The Oregonian Editorial Board wrote a fantastic piece on why Republicans should show up to advocate for their constituents and work on shared goals, which you can read here: Editorial: GOP go-to strategy of a possible walkout reflects no strategy at all.
Our website’s Oregon State Legislative Calendar is a great resource for finding current information on House Bills, lobby days, and hearings during the short session.
Our main speaker for the evening was Oregon’s House Majority Leader, Representative Barbara Smith Warner. She addressed a room filled with 66 activists who were honored and excited to hear her lively overview of the 2020 short session, which starts on February 3. Smith Warner encouraged us to keep organizing, stay engaged and focus on local issues where we can make an impact. Conservative activists are contacting their representatives in Salem like crazy, she said. Progressive activists need to do more! Like most short legislative sessions, the 2020 session will target two basic areas: budget and unfinished business from last year. At the top of Democrats’ unfinished-business list is the cap and invest climate bill, which has been revised. Smith Warner discussed this bill, as well as other key issues, including the three that OSTPDX committees have been doing research on—campaign finance reform, gun safety and revenue. After Q & A, we broke into small groups to discuss the four OSTPDX focus issues. Handouts and recommended actions from these group sessions are below. Please contact your legislators on all four issues right away. Find your state legislators here. CLIMATE CHANGE Group led by Jane Stackhouse, Steve Mullinax. Read the handout here. - Immediate action: Send an email to become part of the public record. - Send to: - Sample subject line: Please support strong cap and invest policy - Sample message: In the 2020 legislative session, I urge you to support the strongest possible climate bill that is both effective and just. Please ensure that a significant share of the Investment Grants reach Oregonians who live in the most negatively impacted communities so they can address the effects of climate change. (Sign with your name and location) CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM Group led by Kristin Thompson. Read the handout here. - Immediate action: Call or email your state senator and representative. - Sample email subject line: Please support campaign finance reform - Sample message: As your constituent, I urge you to support campaign finance reform legislation in the 2020 legislative session. I especially urge you to advocate that all your constituents vote for the 2020 ballot measure for a constitutional amendment allowing campaign finance limits. We need to impose finance limits on political campaigns and require better disclosure of the sources of campaign contributions in order to minimize undue influence of big money in politics. GUN SAFETY Group led by Lisa Reynolds. Read the handout here. - Immediate action: Call or email your state senator and representative. - Sample email subject line: Please support secure firearm storage - Sample message: I am your constituent. I strongly urge you to support secure firearm storage legislation in the 2020 legislative session. Securing firearms by storing them locked, unloaded, and separate from ammunition saves lives by preventing access to children and those who should not have firearms available to them. REVENUE Group led by Lynn Youngbar, Bennett Minton. Read the handouts here & here. - Immediate action: Call or email your state senator and representative. - Sample email subject line: Please support HB 4010 with urgency. - Sample message: I am your constituent. In the 2020 legislative session, please work with urgency to pass HB 4010—a new law disconnecting Oregon State tax code from Federal tax code on Opportunity Zones. Disconnecting this year will avoid providing a lucrative tax break on capital gains for wealthy investors. If action is delayed until 2021, Oregon’s revenues will be negatively impacted, as will patterns of growth and gentrification. Please help to lead the effort on this urgent matter.
Save the Date! Sunday April 5, 2:00 PM Matt Dishman Community Center 77 N.E. Knott Street Oregon Secretary of State Democratic Candidate Forum And Political Action Fair Hosted by OSTPDX, NWGSD, IO, Indivisible 97201 and Indivisible Hillsboro Stay tuned for more details Event is Free but you will need to register
Actions & Events
Protest Sham Impeachment Trial with Stand On Every Corner PDX and Indivisible Oregon
The Senate impeachment "trial" was a sham and a shameful coverup. Republicans in Congress have betrayed their constituents, they have betrayed the Constitution, and they have betrayed the truth.
Join Stand On Every Corner PDX and Indivisible Oregon for a protest to say WE REJECT THE COVERUP. We were not fooled by their sham trial. We will not stop pushing for the truth. And we are not going anywhere.
Time: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Date: Wednesday Feb 5th
Location: Hawthorne Bridge, at the center of the the north side
Details & RSVP: Facebook event and RejectTheCoverup event listing
If you are able, consider adding lights or reflective elements to your sign, or bring a flashlight to shine on it. We are protesting in solidarity with Common Cause and the #RejectTheCoverup coalition around the country. This event will be peaceful and nonviolent.
Not in Portland? Find (or host!) an event near you at
Upcoming Events For The Climate Bill
There has been some conflicting news going around about the upcoming hearing for SB 1530, the Climate bill! Here is some clarification
1. Hearing on Tuesday 2/4/20 at the State Capitol in Salem (900 Court St NE Salem, OR 97301), which will begin at 3pm and go past 5pm into the evening. Volunteers should arrive at 2pm
2. Hearing on Saturday 2/8/20 at the State Capitol, from 10am-1. Volunteers should arrive at 9am
With limited time, this can be a confusing decision to make! Here's a guide that can make this simpler:
A) If you wish to testify before a Legislative hearing --- RSVP for 2/8/20 or RSVP for 2/4/20
B) If you do not wish to testify, please come to the Oregon Climate Emergency Day of Action Rally on Tuesday, 2/11/20 at noon --- RSVP for 2/11/20
C) If you can come to Salem more than once, please RSVP for one of the two hearings (either 2/4/20 or 2/8/20) then also RSVP for 2/11/20
D) If you can't come to Salem at all and live in the Portland Metro area, we are having a rally and press conference at the Renew Oregon offices at 10am on 2/6/20. Please RSVP for 2/6/20
E) If you can't attend any of these events, please use our link to write your Legislators!
Swing Left Letter Writing Events
Swing-Left Letter-Writing Organized by Melanie Plaut
Our new location is Augustana Lutheran Church on the corner of NE 15th and Knott. Come for the early shift 3-4:30, or the later shift 4:30 - 6:00. Every Friday until November!
Bring a small donation for materials, or stamps for letters. If you feel moved, feel free to bring food or drink to share - but NOT necessary.
Spend an hour or so. Bring a friend. RSVP for people who haven't attended the prior sessions at Guilder or my house so I can get a rough idea of numbers:
Letter-writing for a BLUE-er America!
IndivisibleNWPortland meets at Daily Cafe in the Pearl on Tuesdays, 1:45-3 to write letters for Swing Left/Vote Forward. RSVP required.
Write Letters to Voters with Swing Left and Indivisible Oregon! Sisters Gourmet Deli-Saturday, February 8th from 12-2. RSVP here.
Action by Quiet Clean PDX
We want to introduce you to Quiet Clean PDX, a group of activists working to eliminate Gas Leaf Blowers. We promote lawn care alternatives, including battery-operated blowers and manual tools. We also advocate for Leave the Leaves, encouraging a healthier and simpler approach to lawn and garden care that reduces the need for gas-powered equipment.
We all want to keep neighborhoods safe and healthy, quiet and clean. Gas Leaf Blower operation is in conflict with those qualities. How? Read more on the dangers here.
We’ve won recent victories at the City, County and State levels. Our bill to eliminate Gas Leaf Blowers statewide got a hearing with the 2019 House Energy & Environment Committee in June. Subsequently, with the support of our beloved Commissioner Nick Fish, we got unanimous approval for a Portland City Council resolution that eliminates City-owned gas leaf blowers. And now we are now working with Commissioner Jessica Vega Pederson for leaf blower action at the County level.
Please see the website - - for details of our work and an understanding of our shared values. See how to take action today!
Actions by Indivisible Oregon
Our Tuesday ask: the state of our Union needs a Congress that will hold Trump accountable and take actions for free and fair elections. The action will be posted on Tuesday at 6:00 AM here:
Other Events:
Find a Town Hall near you with The Town Hall Project. Stand On Every Corner Pioneer Square: Mon-Fri 9:30-11:30 & Weekends 11:30-1:30
Indivisible Tuesday at Sen. Wyden & Rep. Blumenauer's office PDX: 2/4/20 at 11:30 a.m.
You Count! Bilingual Census 101 Presentation: Thursday, 2/13/20 at 5:30 p.m.
Indivisible Tuesday at Senator Merkley's office PDX: 2/18/20 at 11:30 a.m.
Moms Demand Salem - Advocacy Day 2020 Wednesday, 2/5/20 at 8:30 a.m.
Climate Strike Against TMX Tar Sands! Friday, 2/6/20 at 10:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Community Conversations on Homelessness in North Portland: Tuesday, 3/3/20 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Check out DemCast! It’s grassroots media by the people, for the people. Read why DemCast is so desperately needed. If you’re on Facebook, Demcast Oregon is now up and running.
Oregon Legislature readies for session of big money votes, possible boycotts
Gerry O'Brien column: Bulletin editorial policy on climate change
Low EITC Participation Costs Oregon Dearly
Anniversary makes the case for Oregon millionaires' tax
Trump administration cuts to Social Security disability benefits among the cruelest
I wish you’d never happened, Donald Trump. But I’m grateful for you, too.
Visit our website – – like our Facebook page -- follow our Twitter account -- @onepdx.
OSTPDX will not be endorsing any candidates before primaries. All content included in our newsletters is informational in nature and should not be considered an endorsement.
Sara McKinney