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February 17, 2020 Newsletter

Dear OSTPDX Members,

Oregon’s cap-and-trade bill, SB 1530, continues to be the source of stress down in Salem, according to Hillary Borrud, as Republicans reiterate their willingness to walk out of the legislative session to deny quorum. The bill is scheduled for a vote today at the Joint Subcommittee On Natural Resources and is potentially scheduled for a vote in the full Joint Committee on Ways and Means tomorrow. The OST CEE Team has included some updates and actions on the climate bill below so be sure to take a look.


Save the Date!

Sunday April 5, 2:00 PM

Matt Dishman Community Center - 77 N.E. Knott Street

Oregon Secretary of State Democratic Candidate Forum And Political Action Fair

Hosted by OSTPDX, NWGSD, IO, Indivisible 97201 and Indivisible Hillsboro

Stay tuned for more details

Event is Free but you will need to register

Actions & Events

Update & Actions on SB 1530 by The OST CEE Team

Oregon’s cap-and-invest climate bill, SB 1530, was passed February by the Senate Committee on Environment and Natural Resources passed with the -35 amendments. This is the first step in the process.  The bill will now go to the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Natural Resources for fiscal review.  We then expect it to go to the full Joint Ways and Means Committee.  If passed from Ways and Means it will go to the full Senate and to the House. See this February 13 report from Dirk VanderHart, OPB, for recent news on the bill. (For additional background information, please see One Small Thing PDX Climate Legislation Background.)

Please take action to ensure that the legislature passes SB 1530 in this session.


∙         Contact members of the Ways and Means Committee (list of members with email links, here).

Suggested message:

Climate is a crisis and there can be no more delays.  SB 1530 A as passed out of the Senate Committee on Environment and Natural Resources on February 13th is ready for a vote.  Please vote YES to cap carbon emissions and invest in Oregon’s future.

Feel free to add a personal statement on why climate action and cap and invest is important to you.

∙         Send a Thank you to members of the Senate Committee.  Senators Dembrow, Roblan and Prozanski voted ‘Yes’.  Senators Olsen and Findley offered many suggestions although they ultimately voted ‘No’.

∙         Plan to attend Ways and Means Committee meetings to show our support.  Check links for Agendas

Subcommittee on Natural Resources). SB1530 A on their agenda for 4:45 on MONDAY 2/17 H-174, regularly scheduled meetings are Monday and Wednesdays 3 – 5 PM Capitol  H-174

Joint Ways and Means. SB 1530A is on their agenda for TUESDAY February 18th at 11 AM Hearing Room F, regularly scheduled meetings are Fridays, 9 AM Hearing Room F

Climate Action by Renew Oregon

Revenue Reform Action by Oregon Center for Public Policy

Action by Nasty Women Get Shit Done

Start a Democracy Club! A Democracy Club is a group of friends who gather regularly to help each other stand up for democracy and civil rights in ways that add up. It’s a place to talk, figure things out, and take action together...It’s like a book club, but for democracy! Find out more here.

Action by Indivisible Oregon

Our Tuesday ask: Attorney General Barr is proving out in the open he serves only Trump and not this country. Join Indivisible Oregon and staff from Senator Merkley's office to demand that Congress investigate Attorney General Barr and call for his resignation. The action will be posted on Tuesday at 6:00 AM here:

OST-PDX Activist Reading Group: next meeting

Date: Thursday, March 19, 7:00pm-8:30pm

Topic: Election Season: important topics for Nov 2020 state and local elections

At: 2335 NE 24th Ave, Portland

For more information contact Ken Rosenberg (; 503-493-0322)

Swing Left Letter Writing Events

Swing-Left Letter-Writing Organized by Melanie Plaut

Our new location is Augustana Lutheran Church on the corner of NE 15th and Knott. Come for the early shift 3-4:30, or the later shift 4:30 - 6:00. Every Friday until November!

Bring a small donation for materials, or stamps for letters. If you feel moved, feel free to bring food or drink to share - but NOT necessary.

Spend an hour or so. Bring a friend. RSVP for people who haven't attended the prior sessions at Guilder or my house so I can get a rough idea of numbers:

Letter-writing for a BLUE-er America!

IndivisibleNWPortland meets at Daily Cafe in the Pearl on Tuesdays, 1:45-3 to write letters for Swing Left/Vote Forward. RSVP required.

Sunday, February 23rd from 2-4 p.m. RSVP here.

Letter Writing to North Carolina in SE Portland-Sunday, March 1st from 3-5. RSVP here.

Sunday, March 15th from 2-4 p.m. RSVP here.

Other Events:


Check out DemCast! It’s grassroots media by the people, for the people. Read why DemCast is so desperately needed. If you’re on Facebook, Demcast Oregon is now up and running.

Visit our website – – like our Facebook page -- follow our Twitter account -- @onepdx.

OSTPDX will not be endorsing any candidates before primaries. All content included in our newsletters is informational in nature and should not be considered an endorsement.


Sara McKinney

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