Last night, during the Presidential debate - on the eve of 9/11 - Trump dared to try and position himself as the “peace candidate”. While we remember those who lost their lives on 9/11 and in the resulting war that followed, we must not fall for the GOP’s new tactic, which is to try and displace their responsibility for their wars of convenience onto Democrats in general, and onto Kamala Harris in particular. Tom Hartmann has an excellent, scathing analysis of it HERE.
It Doesn't Matter Who "Won"
It doesn’t matter who “won” the debate - even though Yours Truly thinks VP Harris absolutely trounced Donald Trump! What matters is that the nation got to see a Kamala Harris that is more than capable of being president. More importantly, the nation got to see a future President that cares about them.While Trump constantly played to his base with his usual lies and hate, Kamala stayed laser focused on ordinary Americans and their very real, everyday struggles. It was between her and us. Trump was merely the bully trying to insert himself where he does not belong.
This startling, refreshing and searingly hopeful revelation of a competent Candidate that actually cares, has opened the eyes of many still on the margins. They are STILL not committed to vote, but seem much more interested. Since this is a race that will be won or lost on those very margins, it is now UP TO US to go and galvanize those margin-voters for a future that has them thriving. Kamala opened doors for us, let’s go and knock on them! Let’s co-create a victory that will be very hard or impossible to contest
Phonebank for Harris/Walz and Sherrod Brown
Every Thursday - This Week: Sep 12, 2:30pm PDT
Register for Indivisible's weekly phonebanks for Kamala Harris and Sherrod Brown Thursdays at 5:30pm ET/2:30pm PT, hosted in partnership with Ohio Progressive Action Leaders. We need to get Kamala Harris and Tim Walz elected. But it’s not enough to stop there, we need to send them to the Oval Office with a Congress who can pass their legislative priorities and put this country on the path toward progress. Let's elect Sherrod Brown back into the Senate. Register HERE.More events from Indivisible National HERE.More events from all over HERE.
Congressional Events:
Click HERE to help to Keep Marie Gleusenkamp-Perez in WA-3.Click HERE to join various Writing Campaigns.
The National Consequences of State Legislative Races:
Indivisible’s Leah Greenberg noted that: “... control of legislatures is going to determine the conditions in which we are voting and in which we are counting votes in the next couple of elections.” Source: The Daily Blast podcast, Sep 4, 2024.
But Democrats are more likely than Republicans to stop voting after ticking the box for President! This is called “down-ballot drop-off”. Learn how to prevent down-ballot drop-off HERE.
A Republic - If We Can Keep It:
Voter Registration Day:National Voter Registration Day is Tuesday, September 17. We know that everyone can use a little help getting their friends, family, and broader community registered to vote.BallotReady is one of Indivisible’s newest tools that they offer to groups. It’s a free online voter registration tool that allows you to register voters online (where available) or start the process online and finish it offline where required. With BallotReady, you can help new voters register, help established voters stay registered, and update their information on file. Voters can also sign up for reminders and alerts about voting in their area. Join Indivisible in registering voters on National Voter Registration Day by signing up for BallotReady HERE today!
Learn about other ways you can help with voting and civic engagementHERE.
Reach Out:
Personal relationships are the ultimate foundation for democracy. Every positive relationship we create, also builds democracy. When we learn to navigate conflict and discomfort in our relationships, we model and create building blocks for our communities.
Go HERE for ways to reach out.
Go HERE for resources on how to navigate personal conversations and politics.
You don’t have to be good at everything.
Just focus on what works for you!